domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

As falsas posições da extrema-direita israelita

When Israel Beiteinu was founded in 1999, it was with a simple purpose in mind. It was meant to be the voice of all those who wanted something better than politics as usual. We felt there was an important place for a party and a movement that would stand up for working-class men and women who care about their country, who are patriotic and believe in the destiny of the Jewish people. I am proud of what our party has accomplished. In a short period we have become an important voice for change and an essential voice for principles.
We are the voice of the future, we are the voice of the hope and dreams of those who want a government as good as the people it serves. We want to move Israel forward with dignity and respect in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of our citizens.

Este artigo do líder do Israel Beiteinu, Avigdor Lieberman, com muitos traços dos discursos de Obama, merece a concordância de qualquer pessoa. Porém, o que Lieberman não expõe são as suas propostas e ideias acerca de Israel e da sua relação com os países vizinhos, assim como a criação do Estado da Palestina. Aí sim, perceberíamos que além desta linguagem de alguém que confia nos israelitas os que sujeitar a uma posição de conflito contínuo. Isso não representa a "voz do futuro, nem da esperança nem dos sonhos".

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